Speaking Engagements


Bring Britt to your next conference. As a sports coach, he knows how to engage his participants from the moment his first sentence rolls out. He knows how to inspire them to action. And, he knows how to deliver results. See the gallery below for some of Britt’s speaking engagements.


Inspired Connection

Inspired connection happens when you intentionally place connection as you top priority in your meeting, presentation, relationships. The root word for inspiration is “spirit”. Spirit led leadership asks the questions: What sets your soul on fire?

What are you willing to risk to connect?

How do you create moments that stick?

Growing in Intimacy with God

As believers in the God of creation, the most important aspect of that relationships is growing closer to Him. Intimacy with God shows you what your true identity is, and helps step into a life filled with the Holy Spirit that produces, joy, patience, kindness, peace, goodness, faithfulness, self control, and self control.

The Impact of Your Influence

In order for you to have impactful influence, you must own your story. Your story is a gift, which allows you to impact people in a way that you can. Become an expert in people so your influence can grow.